Thursday, July 7, 2011


Want to challenge your kids this summer? Make up a little chart so they can record the title of the book, a donator's name such as grandma/grandpa/auntie/uncle, number of books read, and the amount of $ donated per book. Have a column for total amount of money donated. Encourage your children to choose 10-20 books that they would like to read and then set them free to do it. Be sure that your kids have actually read the books by asking them questions such as - what was your favourite part of the book?, which character(s) did you like the best and why?, what was the plot like? etc. After you know that the book is completed and comprehended add the finished title to the chart. When the last page has been turned go around to the donors and collect the money for the amount of books that they signed up for.
Now here is the beautiful part....find the perfect place that your children can donate the collected money that will make a difference in someone else's life. THey can donate the money to the Humane Society, to World Vision, etc. any one that your family chooses. Start teaching your children that no matter how small they are they are able to make a difference in their world. Everyone is a winner...your children because they continued reading for the summer and those charities that desperately need someone who cares and will give time and money to help the less fortunate. When you have deposited the money where you chose go out and celebrate with a huge big ice cream cone and a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
Read on....summer reading with a purpose!

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