Unwrapping can be very exciting:
Morphing here at Storywraps and letting you in on what's happening on my blog.
I have made an executive decision (because I am the only one here, so I can) that I will no longer be doing book reviews but will be doing "bookwraps." What is that strange word you may ask? Let me enlighten you to the meaning please.
First of all books comes crammed full of a delightful smorgasbord of characters, plots, illustrations, ideas, emotions and on and on and on to infinity. When I do a bookwrap I will pull those delicious morsels out and highlight them according to my taste and experiences as an educator. I will try as best I can to give you an honest opinion of the content and perhaps some helpful hints to peek your interest in the chosen book for the day.
Another change will be no more book review ratings. Everyone has a filter or perception of how good a book is, how well it is written, and how a book has touched his/her heart, whether it be positively or negatively. I am going to let you be the judge of the book I present to you. A book may be the best thing since chocolate cake for me (how could that possibly be?) and not your cup of tea at all. So I will dish the books out, choosing the ones I have a taste for and let you be the judge of its worth to both you and your children.
In the new year there will be more changes coming...stay tuned...you will like them I am sure.
I am still looking for guest bloggers here and if you would like to be one please contact me at : www. storywrapsblog@gmail.com
Also if you have written a book and are in need of a bookwrap please feel free to let me know. I am now a Top 500 Reviewer for Amazon.ca, so that certainly can help get your book moving along when I get the word out there.
I would love you to leave comments when you pass through. My goal is to make this blog much more interactive and a place to land where you can read other's views on the books they liked/ disliked, what they are reading to their kids and what they personally are reading that others may enjoy. A community of readers needs to talk to each other and feel welcome in their community. Everyone who visits Storywraps is very welcome indeed. I look forward to adding new features, expanding my readership and just letting you know you are special and love having you here.
Together we can keep the love of reading alive! Have an amazing day and remember to.....
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