Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Snap - a bookwrap

I used to as a kid love getting a new pack of crayons.  I adored the brand new pointy ends, the heavenly waxy smell, the brilliant colours all lined up in a row like a rainbow of soldiers ready to take orders and ignite my imagination...oh such happy memories.   I would laboriously stay inside those lines and mix up colours and try to savour those points as long as I could.  It was a sad day when the paper had been peeled off each one from constant use and the points rubbed down to mere nubs. A few of the crayons had broken into smaller pieces and tape would not restore them back to their original loveliness 'cause I tried that believe me more than once ... oh my!!!


Authored by Hazel Hutchins 

Illustrated by Dusan Petricic

Ages 4-7 (Grade K-2)

Unwrapping some awesome illustrations for you...

About the book...

Evan is ΓΌber excited because he has in his very own possession a brand-new box of crayons...oh boy!  His imagination kicks in and he dreams of all the possibilities lying in that little waxy box.  

He choses brown first.   He concentrates and focuses on his masterpiece before him and then the unthinkable happens, his beautiful brown crayon snaps in two.  Oh gosh...no! 

 He tries ordering it back together, pressing it back together, taping it back together but nothing works. It is still in two pieces and brown is a gonner, or so Evan thinks.  The prodigy lightbulb suddenly clicks on and Evan realizes he now has not one but two browns.  Now that is a stroke of luck eh? 

  Other crayons bend and snap causing Evan to go into a drawing frenzy...with  more doubles and even triples he can create more fantastic pictures!  Jackpot!  Evan becomes the mad scientist of the crayon world.  He experiments with sizes, textures then mixing and blending every colour of the rainbow.  Yes delightful fun!! 

He becomes so enraptures in his creativity that his crayons are worn down into very tiny, tiny pieces. Will that minuscule problem cause  Evan to give up and call it quits?  Not in your life!  If anything the opposite happens.  It inspires him even more and finally enables him to come to the conclusion that this crayon shortage of his is not an ending to his imagination and genius but an exciting portal into a whole new beginning.  

The illustrations are just perfect for the story.  The details and expressions are ingenious enriching the text so well.  I highly, highly recommend this book.  

About the author...

I was born and raised on farms in southern Alberta, Canada. My family was kind and loving but, as the youngest by several years, I spent quite a bit of time on my own.  For those times I invented two imaginary friends, Juty and Barrett. And I remember how excited I was to be a flower girl at my aunt's wedding!

I loved the many animals on the farm – cows, chickens, baby crows, rabbits, wild ducks (including one who took a swim in our bathtub!) and the burrowing owls we watched while lying in the prickly prairie grass. I think you can tell from the photo that I also loved my pony. Don't you like his long legs as a colt? That's my brother standing with us.

And I loved books. My mom read to us every night. My dad recited dramatic poetry. When I began to read on my own, some of my favourites were Just Mary StoriesLittle House on the Prairies and The Dana Sisters Mysteries. Already I knew I wanted to be a writer.

That feeling took a huge leap forward in grade seven when I began to read all kinds of amazing literature written for adults. The words of those authors formed my sense of how truly wonderful the written word can be; how powerfully it can convey ideas, enlarge one's world and touch one's heart.
Ever since that time, I have always written stories of one kind or another.  I've been interested in many other things too--science, history, psychology, drama.  After a few years at University of Calgary, I moved to live with a wonderful husband in the mountains. We hiked, biked, skiied, canoed and enjoyed the outdoors in all kinds of ways. We also raised three great kids, now all adults with lives of their own.

More than a few years have passed. I still spend part of every day strolling along one trail or another, just because I enjoy being outside. I still find all kinds of amazing books to read, all kinds of subjects to research.

And I still love to write.    

Read on and read always!

It's a wrap.

Contact me at storywrapsblog@gmail.com

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