Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Open Mic Wednesday - by Me!

Kids tired of summer and can't wait to get back into the school routine once again?  Here are a few activities that might keep them happy and busy... AND they all book-related.  Enjoy!

Unwrapping ...  ideas!!!

1.   Scoot on over to and print off some fabulous bookmarks that your kids can colour and use.  Nice little gifts to hand out to their friends the first day of school too.

2. Then check out 100+crafts inspired by kid's books at:

3.  Encourage your child to make a special book.  You can give them computer paper, construction paper, bristol board (your choice), pencils, crayons, paint, etc. and let them to design their very own book.  Give them a stack of catalogues or magazines to cut out pictures or let them create their own.  

You can also do a "Day in the Life of ________" book and document the movement of that day on camera.  Your child can be the star of the book or maybe use his pet to be the main character.  Keep the book short and fun and remember  that covers count.  They are the eye-candy that draws people in so make them spectacular!  What a fun project to share with other family members or with Grandma and Grandpa on Skype.  

4.  How about making a kid's cookbook?  Start with one recipe.  Assemble the ingredients, write them down as you add them to the bowl, record the method of preparation and then enjoy!  Each time you try out a new recipe add it to the cookbook and soon you will have recorded all your family favourites.   Kids will love to work on this project and especially eat the fruits of their labour.  

5.  Make finger puppets or stick puppets and put on a play.  Kids will love drawing their very own characters and then adding dialogue to make them come alive.

6.  I’ve discovered the magic ingredient that gets sometime reluctant writers full of enthusiasm to put pencil to paper and make up a story: stickers! A sheet of stickers is an inexpensive way to add some fun to storytelling, and you can pick your favorite animals or characters to use.  Perfect, colourful and storytelling-ready.

Have a wonderful day everyone.  Let's make reading interactive and fun for our kids and in doing so we will make them life-long readers.  

Read on and read always!

It's a wrap.

Contact me at

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