Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"Box Turtle" - a bookwrap


"Box Turtle"

by John Himmelman (Author)

Grade Level: Preschool - 12

Publisher: Muddy Boots (April 15, 2018)

Unwrapping some beautiful illustrations for you

About the book

This book is a wonderful timeline of a box turtle who lives over 100 years.  Her life begins in a New England forest in 1890.  In 1897 she lays a batch of eggs and then wanders along dirt roads where new neighbourhoods are sprouting up everywhere.  The evolving world around her is depicted in timely backgrounds featuring first a horse drawn buggy, then a model-T car.  Time progresses and in 1909 the box turtle catches moths attracted to an electric street lamp.  In 1913 a motorized car runs over her but luckily she escapes with only a chip on her shell, no injuries thank goodness.  

After fifteen years a boy captures her and takes her home as his pet. Her journey keeps on going and the world keeps on turning and changing constantly.  Unfortunetly all these alterations are not for the good and some present danger and threat to her habitat.  Luckily humans become aware of endangerment plights and soon conservation and preservation techniques are implemented to save the remaining woodlot and rescue those vulnerable creatures from homelessness and even extinction.  

This educational story has historical value and teaches kids about conservation and the habits and the life cycle of the box turtle.  I loved the whole concept.  I particularly loved the tender and gentle ending, a lovely surprise that will pull at the heartstrings of the reader. 

The illustrations are truly beautiful, vibrant and empowering to the text.  I highly, highly recommend this book. 

Storywraps Rating - 5+++ HUGS!!!!!

Meet the author/illustrator 

John Himmelman is the award-winning author and illustrator of over sixty-five books for children. He is also a naturalist who has traveled throughout North and South America in search of wildlife. He lives in Killingworth, Connecticut, with his wife and two dogs. His work can be found at http://jch.homestead.com/home.html

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It's a wrap!

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