Monday, October 8, 2018

It's Thanksgiving Day in Canada - a poetrywrap


Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating this wonderful family day in Canada.  I want to party - it - up by featuring some of Ken Nesbitt's delightful, humorous poems for you.  I  hope that they will give you a chuckle or two and that this sampling will motivate you to check out his website and his books at:


Kids will love his lighthearted poetry and I highly recommend it. Whether you read it in your home, share it in your classroom or borrow it from an library it will be a winner for all ages.  Enjoy!  

About Ken Nesbitt

I am 56 years old and I was born on February 20, 1962 in Berkeley, California. I grew up in Fresno and San Diego, California.
I now live in a big old house in Spokane, Washington, with my wife Ann, our son Max, our daughter Madison, and our cat, Raki.

My poems have also appeared in magazines, school textbooks, and numerous anthologies of funny poetry, as well as on television, audio CDs and even restaurant placemats.

Unwrapping some fun, entertaining poems

Gobble, Gobble Went the Turkey
From the book The Biggest Burp Ever

“Gobble, gobble,” went the turkey

in his quirky chirping way.

“Gobble, gobble,” went the turkey

up until Thanksgiving Day.

“Gobble, gobble,” went the turkey

till we turned the oven on.

Gobble, gobble went the turkey.

Now the turkey’s (gobble) gone.

 --Kenn Nesbitt

Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Reading Level: Grade 3


I’m Thankful for Turkey
From the book The Armpit of Doom

I’m thankful for turkey.
I’m thankful for yams.
I’m thankful for cranberries,
biscuits, and hams.
I’m thankful for pumpkins.
I’m thankful for cheese.
I’m thankful for gravy,
potatoes, and peas.
I’m thankful for stuffing;
I’m nuts for the stuff.
I’m thankful for eggnog
and marshmallow fluff.
I’m thankful for whipped cream
and ice cream and pies.
I’m thankful for dad’s
double-chocolate surprise.
I’m thankful, Thanksgiving,
for good things to eat.
But mostly I’m thankful
I still see my feet.

 --Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Reading Level: Grade 2



Thanksgiving last year we had turkey.
On Christmas we cooked up a ham.

For New Years we all ate beef jerky.

On Valentines Day we had Spam.

Saint Patrick’s Day dinner was hot dogs.

On April Fool’s Day, pepperoni.

Memorial Day we ate beef logs.

The Fourth of July, old baloney.

Our Labor Day dinner was haggis.

Columbus Day dinner was tripe.

On All Hallows Eve, steaming head cheese.
For Veteran’s Day roasted snipe.
If our meals persist in declining,
we’ll soon be consuming whale blubber.
Continue the way we’ve been dining,
the main course will be tire rubber.
Perhaps we’ll eat barbecued sneakers,
or sandwiches made out of dust.
We’ll grind up the glass of old beakers,
and season it lightly with rust.
We’ll boil our dirty old sweatsocks,
and stew them until they congeal,
then stir in some broken alarm clocks,
and ladle it up as a meal.
But please don’t infer I’m complaining,
about the bad meals I’m reliving.
I just thought it needed explaining,
why I’m giving such thanks for Thanksgiving.

 --Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 1996. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3


Mall Crawl

We went to the mall the day after Thanksgiving,
to purchase the Christmas gifts we would be giving.
My mother, my father, my sister and I,
we all had our lists of the presents we’d buy.
We got up at dawn and went straight to the Mall,
but came home without any presents at all.
For though we were there from the morning till dark,
we spent the day looking for someplace to park.

 --Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Reading Level: Grade 3


A Mother Goose Thanksgiving

Mary had a little yam,

with stuffing, gravy, pie and ham.

Now Mary isn’t any thinner.

Welcome to Thanksgiving dinner.

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie

made you one enormous guy.

After eating two desserts
you may need some bigger shirts.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
His spring and his summer were lousy, I fear,
but autumn is always his best time of year.
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son Burt.
Thought three pies made a nice dessert.
Had to loosen up his belt.
Liked how it tasted, but not how it felt.
Little Boy Blue, don’t blow your horn.
Just finish your turkey and eat all your corn.
It’s making us mental and slightly unstable,
you blowing your horn at the dining room table.
Little Miss Muffet
got up from her tuffet
and shouted, on Thanksgiving Day,
“Please bring on the yams
and potatoes and hams!
I’m sick of these curds and this whey!”
Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater
says they’re better when they’re sweeter.
It should come as no surprise
Peter just eats pumpkin pies.
Yankee Doodle went to town
riding on a turkey,
and sold it to the factory
where they make the turkey jerky.
Jack be nimble.
Jack be spry.
Jack jumped over the
apple pie.
I assure you
he’d get hurt
if he stepped on
my dessert.
Hey diddle, diddle,
go heat up the griddle.
Your mother’s a cooking beginner.
The turkey is burning
because she’s still learning
so we’re having pancakes for dinner.

 --Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3

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Read on...
Read always.

It's a wrap! 

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