Saturday, February 9, 2019

"Read it again please" .... an info wrap

Guest Blogger:

Why Reading the Same Book Repeatedly Is Good for Kids 
(Even If It Drives You Nuts)

by Devon A. Corneal
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Devon Corneal is a writer, recovering lawyer, and bibliophile. She’s also a devoted wife and mother, except for the occasional page-turning affair with Jamie Fraser and Jason Bourne. Devon has always been captivated by quirky authors like Roald Dahl and Shel Silverstein and sees no reason to stop reading children’s books just because she’s a grown-up. Devon’s work has appeared in The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, and on her blog, Cattywampus.


Does your child have a favourite book they want to read over and over again? Or worse, wants you to read over and over again? I bet you’ve memorized every word. You loved its adorable illustrations and clever text when you first brought it home, but now you’ve grown to hate it. You might even wish it would disappear forever. I feel your pain. I know it can be maddening, but before you toss this particular book, you may want to reconsider. Despite its annoyances, repetitive reading — whether you’re reading to your child or they’re reading to you — offers a surprising number of benefits for new readers.

Vocabulary and Word Recognition

The more a child reads, the larger their vocabulary becomes. When a child reads or hears the same book multiple times, they become familiar and comfortable with a greater number of words. That text you’ve memorized? Chances are your child has too, and that’s a good thing.
Pattern and Rhythm
Hearing favorite stories read aloud helps children become aware of the pattern and rhythm of text. Language is more than just words — it’s how words sound and connect to each other. Parents can model the rhythms of reading for children who are just learning how language works.


Fluency is the ability to read text “accurately, quickly, and with expression.” Repetitive reading allows a child to read without stumbling or stopping, and reading time becomes more pleasant for everyone. Once a child masters one book, it makes moving on to another more appealing.


Reading comprehension is the ability to understand all the components of a story — from plot to character development to symbolism. Comprehension is “the essence” of reading. Each time your child reads or hears a book read to them, they learn more about the story itself. Each pass through the text or illustrations allows them to dive deeper into the story’s meaning, preparing them for more complex narratives down the road.


With fluency and comprehension comes greater reading confidence. Children who can follow a story and don’t stumble over words are more self-assured about their abilities and more likely to enjoy reading.
Knowing that repetitive reading is good for your kids may not make reading Goodnight Moon for the thousandth time any easier, but maybe it’ll help you stay sane while you do it.


Celebrities agree.... lol! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!   Thanks to all who generously donate to Storywraps, you are delightful and I am so appreciative of your gifts no matter what amount you deem fit to give.  Please come back next week as we once again unwrap books that are sure to stimulate, educate and motive kids to keep on reading..... blessings!  

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Read on...
Read always.
It's a wrap! 

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