Monday, September 30, 2019

"Bad Day" - a book wrap

In this episode of the Soul in Wonder Podcast, Artist, illustrator, and author, Ruby Roth talks about her new children’s book, Bad Day--a feelings book to help kids embrace and move through their bad days, so they can better their emotional wellness.


Bad Day


Illustrated by RUBY ROTH

* Ages:  3-7
* Grade Level:  PS-2
* Hardcover:  32 pages
* Publisher:  North Atlantic Books
* Pub. Date:  Sept. 10, 2019
* Language:  English

“Bad Day will become your household’s go-to book in rough moments, teaching children to reflect, monitor, and manage their feelings.” 
—Dr. Jenn Mann, MFT, PsyD, author of The A to Z Guide to 
Raising Happy, Confident Kids

“A beautiful book that tackles a subject not only necessary, but rarely addressed. Parents are frequently frustrated by what they interpret as stubbornness when their children ‘clam up.’ Ruby’s book speaks for kids, so parents can better understand and deal appropriately with their child’s distress.“
—Lynne Bernfield, MA, MFTC, author of When You Can You Will

“A powerful message about the capacity we all have to bring awareness to inevitably tough moments and transform our story to inspire possibility and resilience.” 
—Elisha Goldstein, PhD, creator of A Course in Mindful Living

“From my introvert child to my extrovert, it’s been hard to find the perfect conversation-starter about expressing feelings—until Bad Day. Ruby manages to get right what so many parents miss—the option of teaching our children to sit in a tough moment and release it on their own.”
—Chloé Jo Davis, conscious-parenting spokesmama and founder of

“For children, bad days can be confusing. This lovely, thoughtful book encourages kids to acknowledge their feelings and notice how even bad days can bring about positive outcomes.” 
—Susan Kaiser Greenland, author of Mindful Games and The Mindful Child

“Loved this book! It makes it okay for a kid to have a bad day and offers a template for thinking through it. Good for adults, too!”
—Ross W. Greene, PhD, author of The Explosive Child

“I wish I’d had Bad Day when I was growing up, although it’s helpful (and adorable) even now that I’m old.” 

Unwrapping Some Great Illustrations for You to Enjoy 

Unwrapping the Book

Everyone has bad days now and then. Days when emotions are spinning out of control and you feel overwhelmed and imprisoned by them.  How can you get a grip on these feelings and turn that frown upside down?  

Popular children's book author/illustrator Ruby Roth introduces us to Hennie, a little boy who is having a very bad day and needs some coping skills to get through it. 

"I'm way too crabby, I'll cry!
  I'm grumpy and frumpy and down-in-the-dumpy. 
  Don't ask me, 'cause I DON'T KNOW WHY!"

Hennie's whole day seems cause for him to flip out:  he has a bumpy car ride to school, his sock gets all lumpy and is a challenge for him to put on, he loses his favourite spoon at lunchtime and his belly hurts. His teacher is yell-y which makes him really upset.  The last straw is when he can't tie his shoe laces properly causing him to take a tumble right in front of his classmates.  They all laugh and make fun of him for being such a klutz.  How much can one little guy take?  

When Hennie drags himself home he withdraws to his room and draws a sad face on a brown paper bag.  He proceeds to stick his head inside because his reality face is totally out of expressions.  Inside that bag he finds peace and reflection time for his feelings.  The timeout alone allows him to quiet his inward self and to gain perspective as to why he is overcome with distraught emotions that  make him feel deeply sad and defeated. 

Secluded inside his paper bag hideaway Hennie muses over his tough day and reaches a wonderful, positive conclusion:

"Though the day was all wrong,
I'm actually STRONG! Li'l me can handle a lot!" 

The author's message is clear... think positive thoughts and take some time for mindfulness so you can calm down, assess what's happening and after contemplating on your plight emerge a happier more confident person.  Everyone, both young and old, can take this message to heart and learn how to seek peace and turn a bad day into a good one.  I highly recommend this book. 

Storywraps Rating - 5 +++ HUGS!!!!!

Meet the Author/ Illustrator

Featured on Today, FOX, CNN, and other major media, Ruby Roth is a Los Angeles-based artist, author-illustrator, activist, and former teacher whose groundbreaking children's books have received international attention and have been translated into multiple languages. She holds degrees in art and American studies and speaks at conferences nationwide. Weaving art together with health, wellness, the environment, and society at large, Roth’s work connects the dots between our personal choices and the public realm, showing how our habits can change our lives—and the world we live in. Bad Day is Roth's fifth picture book and her first on issues of emotions and neuro-diversity. For more info, visit

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Read on...
Read always.
It's a wrap! 

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