Thursday, April 15, 2021

"This Book Can Read Your Mind" - a bookwrap


Read by Zac McCallum ( Mr. McCallum) on YouTube


This Book Can Read Your Mind

Authored by Susannah Lloyd

Illustrated by Jacob Grant


* Ages:  4-7
* Grade Level:  PS-2
* Length:  32 pages
* Publisher:  Quarto Publishing Group UK
* Language:  English


"This witty picture book involves the reader from the outset."

"wonderfully bold and anarchic pictures." 

"A very funny and clever book that its bound to amuse and delight young readers."

The School Librarian - The magazine of the Schools Librarian Association 

“Irresistible, laugh out loud story all about the power of books and the imagination.”
“This book will have young (and old) readers in stitches.”
"The zany illustrative style is perfectly suited to this story and the clever use of the only white space being within the speech bubbles immediately emphasises the instructional and increasingly shouty nature of the scientist’s words. Both great fun and a creative inspiration, this is a must have purchase!”



“This book should come with an actual health warning. My 3 yo laughed so hard he choked up a green bean.  This was on the fourth time of reading it. On the day we got it. The first time we read it we were all snorting with laughter.... Just brilliant.” 

Kids StoryWorld

"A book that will have young children grinning and giggling”

Jen Campbell


“Thank you…  for making the children laugh so much – my favourite sound in the world!”  

The Little Literary Society

“My kids cracked up the first time we read this ... a stimulating read for those with silly imaginations."

 Small Print Books

“This is a very creative and fun book that grabs hold of your attention from the first page and pulls you straight in! Addressing the reader directly, it claims to be able to read your mind and amazingly ( through cleverly placed vocabulary) it does! One of the most original books I’ve come across in a while, it can’t help but captivate little ones.” 

Stories For Little Ones

"This Book Can Read Your Mind...It actually can!"

"Playfully includes the reader in the storytelling by cleverly using the power of suggestion."

Where The Wild Things Are Bookshop

Unwrapping Some Illustrations for You

The Book

The title captures your attention and draws you into this wonderful silly story.  Can this book REALLY read your mind?  This is the second picture book by Susannah Lloyd, author of "The Terribly Friendly Fox". 

This fun book stars a scientist, a herd of very responsive pink elephants and a clever machine that can read your mind... or can it? 

The Scientist warns you to only think of sensible things and never, ever anything silly like a pink elephant, a group of elephants, a mouse who appears out of  nowhere, elephants gallivanting about on unicycles or playing tubas, or wearing (gasp) underwear, just to name a few.  And of course that's exactly what you imagine and voilà they appear on the next page.  Kid's will love the fun romp through this book and giggle they will... guaranteed. 

The illustrations are quirky and marry perfectly with the text.  It is a clever idea for a book and works well.  It's absurdity and hilarity will want kids to read it again and again.  

"This Book Can Read Your Mind" is also available in Spanish as:

Este Libro Puede Leerte La Mente published by SM 

& in Catalan as:

Aquest Llibre Llegeix Els Pensaments

published by Cruïlla

Highly recommended by Storywraps.  Enjoy! 

Storywraps Rating


Meet the Author

Susannah Lloyd is the author of This Book Can Read Your Mind, illustrated by Jacob Grant, and The Terribly Friendly Fox, illustrated by Ellie Snowdon. She lives in Yorkshire with her family. Find her online at and on Twitter @Susannah_Lloyd

About the Illustrator

Jacob Grant makes picture books. Absurd and heartfelt picture books. Originally from Ohio, he now lives with his wife and baby boy in a very windy city in Illinois. Day and night he can be found at his home studio, drawing, painting, and writing until something feels story-ish. When he's lucky, some of this mess gets made into books! His previous titles include Bear's Scare (Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2018), Through With The Zoo (Feiwel and Friends, 2017), and Little Bird's Bad Word (Feiwel and Friends, 2016).

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Read on...Read Always! 

It's a wrap! 


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