Thursday, February 10, 2022

Don't Hug the Quokka! - a bookwrap



Don't Hug the Quokka!

by Daniel Errico

Mia Powell (Illustrator)


* Reading Age:  4-8 years

* Grade Level:  PS-2

* Hardcover:  32 pages

* Publisher:  Magination Press

* Pub. Date:  June 7, 2022

*  ISBN-10:  1433837064

* ISBN-13:  978-1433837067

* Language:  English

Unwrapping Some Illustrations 

The Book

The little quokka starring in this tale is an adorable character.   As soon as you see him you want to go give him a scratch behind his soft fluffy ears and a gentle loving hug.  But does the quokka want a hug from you?   His initial response is an emphatic "NO!"  Will he eventually agree to this expression of friendship from you?  It's totally his choice if he agrees or not.  

This is a teachable moment book.  Young ( and older ) readers learn that hugs are between two parties and BOTH sides need to be on board to give and get one!  Kids will learn that hugs or any other gesture such as a kiss, a comfy squeeze or even a pinch on the cheek has to be consensual. 

The message encourages kids to be in control of their own feelings and bodies and this book is a delightful segue to discuss this topic. So the author wraps up by stating...

"So, don't hug the Quokka. That is unless...
  you ask for a hug and the Quokka says YES! "  Excellent advice. 

  I highly recommend it this book.                                                            

Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS! 


Meet the Author

Daniel Errico is a multi-media children's author of over 100 titles, including The Journey of the Noble Gnarble. His stories emphasize themes of perseverance and resilience, as well as highlight a fundamental curiosity about the world.

In addition to traditional publication, Daniel’s works are published through various sites, collections, mobile apps, and best-seller e-books. Daniel is also the creator of a website,, which offers free and original media for children. The site is visited regularly by thousands of parents, teachers and children around the globe who cannot afford traditional books. Daniel’s overarching goal is to provide easily accessible stories to children everywhere.

About the Illustrator

Mia Powell is a mixed media illustrator who studied Illustration at Birmingham City University. She is a winner of the D&AD Newblood Pencil award. She lives in the UK. Visit her at @mi_illustration on Instagram. 

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It's a wrap! 


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