Wednesday, February 16, 2022

"Sophie Learns to be Brave" - a bookwrap



Sophie Learns to Be Brave

by Joan Halifax
Contributor Kiersten Eagan


* Reading Age:  4-8 ages

* Grade Level:  PS-3

* Hardcover:  32 pages

* Publisher:  Bala Kids

* Pub. Date:  March 29, 2022

* ISBN-10:  1611808952

* ISBN:  978-1611808957

* Language:  English

Unwrapping Some Illustrations 

The Book

This is a heartwarming story about a little girl named Sophie and an adorable elderly dog that teaches her some very valuable life lessons about friendship, bravery, letting go, loss and how to gain control of her emotions.   She discovers how to stay in the present moment and not let her feelings and imagination dictate the "what ifs" that may occur in the future.  Both she and the old canine meet up during a raging thunderstorm and both are terrified.  Sophie  repeats again and again..."Breathing in, I am safe; breathing out, I am free. " As she focuses on her breathing techniques and those calming words peace envelops her.  

A beautiful bond of friendship is established between the two as they support each other through their fears.  Together they discover that  fears can be conquered. I love the book and highly recommend it. 

Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS! 


Meet the Author

Joan Halifax is a Zen Buddhist teacher, anthropologist, ecologist, civil rights activist, hospice caregiver, and the author of several books on Buddhism and spirituality. She currently serves as abbot of Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Halifax has received dharma transmission from both Bernard Glassman and Thich Nhat Hanh, and studied under Korean master Seung Sahn. In the 1970s she collaborated on LSD research projects with her ex-husband Stanislav Grof, in addition to other collaborative efforts with Joseph Campbell and Alan Lomax. As a socially engaged Buddhist, Halifax has done extensive work through her Project on Being with Dying. She is on the board of directors of the Mind and Life Institute, a non-profit organization exploring the relationship between science and Buddhism. 

About the Illustrator

KIERSTEN EAGAN is a children’s illustrator and visual development artist with a passion for storytelling. She finds inspiration anywhere a story can be found—in nature, reading, history, adventures, traveling—and specializes in gouache, pencils, and digital work. A graduate of the Academy of Art in San Francisco, Kiersten works in animation where she has designed for a variety of television and film projects such as My Little Pony, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and The Addams Family.

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It's a wrap! 


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