Wednesday, July 20, 2022

"What's the Rush?" - a bookwrap



What's the Rush?

Book by Yiting Lee


* Reading Age:  4-7 years

* Grade Level:  PS-2

* Length:  40 pages

* Publisher:  Princeton Architectural Press

* Pub. Date:  October 18, 2022

* ISBN-10:  1648961835

* ISBN-13:  978-1648961830

* Language:  English


"This charming journey tale hints at both the need to take action and the importance of careful planning, striking a balance. Using expressive, organic lines, Lee’s watercolor, gouache, and colored pencil illustrations are fanciful and alternate between panels and full-page spreads. Take the time to enjoy this one."

– Kirkus Reviews

Unwrapping Some Illustrations 

The Book

This is a beautiful tale featuring two best friends... Bunny and Turtle.  They are very different in their temperaments and their actions.  Bunny wants to get things done pronto while Turtle is laidback, a planner, and much slower to make a move. 

The duo decide one day to climb a mountain together.  Bunny is all fired up and ready to drop everything and go but Turtle wants to take his time and thoughtfully prepare for the adventure that lies ahead. 

Bunny becomes impatient with his friend waiting for their departure and hearing over and over Turtle say... "Hang on just one minute."  

He finally loses his cool and cries..."No minutes!" Finally they are on their way.  Through some very unfortunate roadblocks on the journey: a river to cross, needing to clarify directions, and having to clear a pathway through some thick bushes Bunny comes to realize the wisdom of planning ahead.  Luckily his best friend Turtle has the solution to all these barriers because of his one more minute stategy.  

The watercolour illustrations are charming and beautiful.  The story teaches young children about the virtues of patience, kindness and friendship.   This is a fresh new spin on the classic Aesop's fable: The Tortoise and the Hare.  I love the message that the book delivers to young readers and I highly recommend it.  

Meet the Authors/Illustrator

Yiting Lee is a book author and illustrator from Taiwan. Based in Surrey, England, since 2020, Lee graduated from the MA Children's Book Illustration program at Cambridge School of Art in 2012. She focuses on picture books that are whimsical and unpredictable β€” the type of books she loved as a child.

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Read on...Read Always! 

It's a wrap! 


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