Ever look at your kids and say,"It seems like only yesterday I brought you home from the hospital and look at you today?' You realize how time flies when you have kids. All kids love a family environment and the love and security that comes with "belonging." If you want a meaningful activity drag out those family photo albums and discuss your child's growth in pictures. It is fun to just sit with your child and reminisce about his/her life. I will bet you that you will teach them something about the family history, the locations where your family hangs out, relatives both distant and near and generally have a great old bonding time. Kids want to know where they came, how they came into this world, about their siblings, why they have these pets in the home and visually witness all their stages of growth. It is a great experience to orally tell that tradition like they did so many years ago when printed books were not yet in use. Our older generations did this automatically with their children but we as more modern parents need to be reminded how important it is to discuss our own family's place in history. Both you and your child will be blessed as you thumb through those pages and remember. Read on.
A good book to get regarding this topic is "Tell Me Again About The Night I Was Born" by Jamie Lee Curtis.
Love it Mare !
Our roots need to be explored every once in a while !
I totally agree, even us old guys need to look back and reflect where we are from so we can determine where we are going....yeah right! :)
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