Thursday, September 8, 2011

Feeling some anxiety separtation from your kids?

Now that your kids are at school are both of you feeling anxiety separation? It can be a very long day, especially if you are little. The day never seems to end and you start getting worried and tired and just want to go home to your home and your family. When will that final bell finally ring? Here is a tip that may be helpful to your child. If you google in ," lunch box love notes" for your child a whole bunch of websites will pop up to serve you. These are little blank notes that are decorated with all kinds of colours, shapes and stuff that a kid loves. You can jot down a sentence or two on them like: "Have a great day, mommy (or daddy) loves you", or "enjoy your lunch - it was packed with love by daddy (or mommy). Kids love to get a "note hug" from you and it makes the day go a little bit quicker.
You do not have to spend a penny either to obtain these little love pokes. You can get a small pad of paper from the dollar store (add stickers if you like) or just write a note on one of the napkins you enclose inside the lunch sack. It is a fun and inexpensive way to connect and send a word of encouragement to your child while you are away from each other. Try it. You can also use these notes around the house. If your child is having a particularly bad day write a little love note and place it on his/her pillow to read just before bedtime. You can stick it on a mirror when the teeth brushing ritual is happening or inside your nighttime storybook as a bookmark. Pull it out and read it after the story and be sure to punctuate this gesture with a hug and huge kiss. This is confirmation to your child that you love them, you are there for them and it demonstrates security and peace into his/her life. Read on.

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