Saturday, May 11, 2013

read for the pure joy of it

Saturday morning at times is going to be devoted to giving you reading tips that will help your children be reading successes!  This will be an add-on where I can give help, opinions (yes and sometimes rants) on this site and will be a diversion from my regular book reviews.  Read this along with your morning newspaper buddied up with your favourite cup of coffee and parked in your favourite place to be.  Enjoy.

The Top Reading Tips just for your information:

1. Read out loud to your children regularly.  This alone will produce significant gains in comprehension, vocabulary building, and decoding words.  It will increase their desire to read independently.

2. Have a huge supply of reading materials available in all rooms of your home, in your vehicle, in backpacks, your purse for those "just in case" moments.  Those moments can include:
       *waiting for a doctor's, dentist's appointment
       * if you are stuck in traffic, hand a good book to your child to read
       * Waiting to receive your meal to be delivered to your table at a restaurant
       *  in the park, backyard, swimming pool  etc.
     You get the idea....

3. Establish a daily 15-30 minute time where everyone in the family reads together silently. Modelling reading is great for your child to witness.

4. Have your children read signs, menus, game directions, weather reports, movie time listings, recipes, everyday sightings that surround them where words are involved.

5. Library visits are wonderful for your children.  Getting them a personal library card is extremely exciting and taking part in the library programmes is very educational indeed.  Check out what your local library has to offer.  I am sure you will be pleased and surprised.

6. Track along with your children (and their teacher) to see if any reading difficulties have surfaced and need to be addressed.  It is good to be proactive on this because early intervention can ease a lot of pain and suffering if detected early on.

7. If need be make sure your children received extra help from you, their teacher, a tutor or learning centres early on.

8. Use textbooks, computer programs, CD's, DVD's, games, field trips etc. to enhance your children's reading experiences.  There are so many resources available to help you expand your child's knowledge of reading, so go ahead and check them out.

9. Lots of praise, hugs and encouragement is in order. Be positive.  Be upbeat. Be your children's best cheerleader.  Be the one willing to read out loud, be read to, and be an inspiration to your children. It is one of the best investments you will ever make in your lifetime.

10.  Have fun with all aspects of the reading journey.  You want to create a lifelong love affair between reading and your children. The family that reads together finds success together.

Read on and read always!  Have a great Saturday.

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