Saturday, March 29, 2014

For the love of reading.....

Good Saturday morning to everyone!  First of all let me give your the answer to yesterday's first line of a classic children's book riddle.  The answer is:  "The Poky Little Puppy" by Janette Sebring Lowrey, illustrated by Gustaf Tenggren.  Hope a few of your got it right.

This morning I am going to try to give you some tips on ways you can get your kids to love reading. Some kids are born readers.  And let's face it....some aren't.  But, all children can grow at least to like reading if not love it if you use some of these techniques to help them along their own unique reading path.

1. Embrace technology....yes you heard me correctly.  It is here to stay, it is exciting, fun, interactive and yes, kids love it.  Use it as a reading advantage for your child.  An e-reader can entice your reluctant reader (or any reader for that matter) to actually sit down and start exploring the wonderful and magical world of books.  Plus there are so many free books out there, including classics, that your child might actually read more if given the chance to dig around and find out what's available.

2. Create a reading hide-out or a cozy spot for your little reader.  Throw a blanket over a table or pile up the cushions from the sofa to make a reading fort....your child will love it, I promise.  Lure him in by making the spot so enchanting and fun, he'll want to to read just to be able to enter.  Stack the space with fluffy pillows and of course the piece de resistance.....a big stack of books.  Put a bowl of candy inside with a note that reads: "For every chapter that you read, please eat one of these."  Also put a little chart with some fancy stickers or stars that he can stick on once the book is finished... his /her own GPS for tracking his reading journey. 

3.  Hook 'em, then reel them in.  I heard a story about a mom who will start reading aloud to her kids and then excuse herself to make dinner.  The kids are already "hooked" on the story so they will take the book themselves and continue the story just to find out what happens next. They in turn read the rest of the story to her aloud.  Great plan mom!!

4. Make the Library an adventure.  Gather up the flock and head off for a field trip to that grand place.  Get them their own library card that they can hand over temporarily for a great book.  Let them check out their own. Suggest that each child chooses at least five books.  When you leave head to the yogurt shop, or ice cream shop then off to a park. Pull out a book once there and read a story aloud to them while they enjoy their snack.  Then it's playtime.  The kids will eat this up, I am sure.

5. Read out loud to reluctant readers.  Even if your child can read on his own, keep reading to him.  This will allow you to gauge what interests him and holds his attention.  It will also allow you to read books that might be too difficult for him, but he still enjoys the story.  There is nothing wrong with letting your child read magazines, the sports section of the newspaper or other 'non-book' material.  Anything including words is fair game.

6. Don't make reading a punishment. If you have a non-reader, it can be tempting to use reading as a discipline tool.  "If you hit your sister again, you're going to have to read for 20 minutes!" This tactic will only discourage your non-reader and have him dread even more the printed page.

7. What is your child interested in?  What captivates him or keeps his attention?  Try different genres - adventure, non-fiction, biographies - until you hit upon the one that will make your child want to read.  Show them that reading can be fun and exciting.  Model you and your other family members enjoying reading a good book.  

8. Start reading to your child in the womb.  From the get-go have piles of books around the house so that reading is a pleasurable, social time for everyone in the family.  Be enthusiastic when it comes to books.  Cheer, praise, laugh, be silly, act the books out, hug both books and kids..... go for it.....your kids will catch the "reading bug " and you can give them daily doses of words and stories to keep their reading skills healthy, strong and ever growing to their full potential.  Be the "book doctor"..... three books a day should do it very nicely (if you have the time), one for sure is required and be just what the doctor ordered.  

  Read on and read always!  Have a great weekend everyone and see you back here again on Monday.  

  Go.....get your read on........!

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