Thursday, September 11, 2014

A FIckle WInd - an adult book review

Quotes for you today:

Today's featured book:

Title:  A Fickle Wind

Author:  Elizabeth Bourne

About the book:

This was an interesting, inspiring and motivational book.  The main character is strong, courageous and determined to have a life that is meaningful and of high quality.  Her roots take her back to war-torn Britain where she is surrounded by destruction and devastation.  She is raised in humble modesty by a cold-hearted mother whose personality Elizabeth struggles with her entire life.  Luckily her father is loving and caring and has her best interests at heart.  She, along with her new husband, decide to cast their fates to the wind and go in search of a new, better life, abroad.  They make up their minds that Canada is the best fit for them and off they go to start a fresh life filled with novel adventures.  

Life isn't always simple or easy and Elizabeth's life takes many twists and turns as she tries to discover who she is, what she wants and how she fits into this new country and lifestyle she has chosen.  As fate would have it she ends up in America following her dreams. With determination and focus she maps out the life that finally brings her contentment and peace.  It truly is a rags to riches story inspiring the reader to hang in, and when storms blow your way never, ever give up.  Every cloud has a silver lining and if you hold on tightly and not let go, you will get through it and who knows?  When you open up your heart to the endless possibilities that await you, with a positive attitude, and blow along with that fickle wind, making it your friend, you could never even guess  where it will take you?  

About the author:

Elizabeth Bourne left England as a young woman and now divides her time between California and Canada. Travel is still an important priority but she also enjoys participating in family life with her two daughters and her grandchildren. The seed to write was planted many years ago but it was not until recently, when Bourne had the uninterrupted time to devote to it, that she decided to fulfill her long-time ambition to be a writer. This is her debut novel.

Book Review Rating:   8 (Fantastic!)

Read on and read always!  Have an amazing day everyone.

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