Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bookish fun - ideawraps

Open Mic Wednesday.... welcome to Storywraps!

Summertime and Bookish fun prevails...

Presenting some creative, easy and exciting ways to wrap your mind around some good books this season.

*  Look around your neighbourhood for a local "Little Free Library" and determine to browse through and choose a book from it to read.  You can take some of your books to exchange for theirs and donate some of your older books to the cause.  If there is not one in your vacinity start one at your home. These are fun ways to get people involved with books.

* Pick a different theme to read for each week or month of the summer.  You can have a poetry week, a horse week, a big machines week, or an animal's week just to suggest a few.  Kids will love choosing the theme books and especially reading them.  

* Go check out the library for summer programmes.  They offer wonderful kid events that are free, so take advantage of their expertise and availability.  Schedule a library field trip once a week to stock up on books to read everywhere and anytime during the summer months. 

* Read  a book series that YOU loved as a child once again out loud to your little ones.  Both of you will benefit, you reminiscing and they hearing your beloved books for the very first time.  

* Head to the park with books under your arms.  Find a secluded bench, park yourself and read.  Try to find outdoor nooks and spaces that are secluded to read a story together.  Kids love reading  outdoors surrounded by nature.

* Sunning in the back yard listening to audio books can be both relaxing and super fun.  There are so many great audio books to choose from.  It's a wonderful way to be soothed as you lay back and be read to by someone else. 

* Pick a favourite author and read his total catalogue from start to finish.  You can record the book when you are done and add a sticker beside it's title as you go along.  Kid's will love to watch the list grow as you finish each book and excitedly reach for the next.

*Buy a copy of your favourite book. Write a note inside the cover  to tell why you like it so much. Leave the book in a public place with a post-it note on top saying to the finder - "Take it... it's free".  You can leave the books in very creative places like: a grocery story freezer, a sidewalk cafe/patio, on a subway seat etc.  A perfect way to promote good books.  Kids will love to be involved with this venture.  Have them write the note and explore with you until you find the perfect place to leave your printed treasure.

*Read on your phone or tablet.  Download reading apps and go for it.........There are so many high quality stories to be read online with fabulous animation and activities to enhance your child's reading experience. I KNOW kids will be focused and excited about stories that "come alive".

* Lastly... and the opportunities are unlimited...find creative and fun spaces and times to read.  Make summer reading a blast whether at the cottage, in the car or on an airplane, camping in the woods, laying on a beach, or in your backyard on your deck.  Join your kids with a good book and have a delicious reading experience everywhere this summer! 

Have an awesome day everyone.  Let me know what you are reading so we can share some good titles for both adults and kids.   Comments here are most welcome. Love hearing from you. Happy summer reading.

Follow me:  

*Instagram: Storywraps
*Twitter: Storywraps@Storywraps1

I put hours of work finding the best kid's books to review for you each day.  If you enjoy visiting Storywraps and would like to donate something for my time and effort I would greatly appreciate it.

Go to the top of my blog on the right hand corner (above my photo) and please donate what you feel lead to give.  The amount you donate and the frequency you donate is totally up to you.  I thank you in advance for your support.  I love what I do and appreciate any amount that you may give so I can make our community even better.  Thanks a million! 

Read on and read always!

It's a wrap.

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