What one thing are you best at? Something that you are known for? Do you have one specific thing that sets you apart from the rest of the pack?
This book is all about finding that one amazing thing that is buried deep inside of you, exposing it to the light and having you shine with pride because it's yours to own. It becomes your signature and passion, not to show it off and boast about it, but to give you enjoyment and contentment knowing it is yours.... your one thing that you can be so proud of and share with others.
This book is all about finding that one amazing thing that is buried deep inside of you, exposing it to the light and having you shine with pride because it's yours to own. It becomes your signature and passion, not to show it off and boast about it, but to give you enjoyment and contentment knowing it is yours.... your one thing that you can be so proud of and share with others.
Authored by Nancy Viau
Illustrated by Timothy Young
Ages 8-12
Doodle illustrations that are very unique...
Doodle illustrations that are very unique...
Timothy Young has set up the illustrations as if they are created by the main character of the book. Anthony Pantaloni's doodling enriches the narrative greatly and makes the character seem to come alive. Young has designed pages where (if you own the book) you are allowed to doodle your own thoughts and responses. This is so clever and unique and sure to be a hit with that targeted age group. Here are some illustrations for you to enjoy...
About the book...
Anthony Pantaloni has been nicknamed Ansty Pants by his fifth grade comrades and he hates it! He needs to think of a way to get rid of that name and quickly before middle school starts! Can you imagine being stuck with that name forever? Anthony sets out to discover just one thing that he is good at, one thing that will define who he is and what he is made of.
All his friends are known for something, whether it be: a great athlete, having the cranial smarts, being horse obsessed or even, yes, bullying... but for the life of him he can't find his own thing. He really puts an effort into the search and tries to discover his hidden talent but it has never surfaced.... not yet.
He not only has that worry to contend with but his outgoing cousin who is living with him because her parents are deployed drives him nuts at home and his dad is dating his teacher.... Oh my! How much can one kid take? He just can't seem to get a break in life.
This book is perfect for that targeted age group. At this stage in life kids are trying to figure out who they are, what they have a bend towards, and where they want to go in life. The book talks about the frustrations and challenges that life unleashes and how with perserverance and a little help from friends and family you can make it through successfully. Will Anthony be successful and become all he is created to be?
There are pages at the end of each chapter which enable the reader to journal, doodle and respond to the storyline. The entire book is narrated through the eyes of Anthony and his doodles comprise the illustrations making this a fun twist on traditional picture books. This unique feature expresses and augments the "one thing" of the character and brings Anthony alive. Very, very cool idea indeed. I highly recommend this book.
Nancy is a graduate of West Chester University with a degree in Elementary Education, Nancy has been a teacher, a counselor in an after school program, and a fitness instructor.
When the youngest of her four children ran off to preschool, she began writing again. Her articles, stories, and poems appeared in Highlights, Highlights High Five, Ladybug, Babybug, Family Circle, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and many magazines, newspapers, and anthologies. Nancyβs first book, Samantha Hansen Has Rocks In Her Head (middle-grade novel for ages 8-12), was published in 2008 and three picture books followed: Look What I Can Do!, Storm Song, and City Street Beat. Her next book, Just One Thing! (middle-grade), will be released in September of 2016.
Timothy Young has been a toy designer, illustrator, sculptor, puppetmaker, and a graphic designer. His work has been seen on television, in major magazines and on toy shelves worldwide. He majored in illustration at Pratt Institute and has over 20 years experience as a professional artist. You can see more of his work at his Creatures & Characters website.
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