Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why should our kids read well?

A child learns to hold items/sit up/crawl and then walk. It is the mobile rule of humanity. A child learns to point/make initial consonant noises for objects/ one word identification/ phrases and then complete thoughts and sentences. The human mind is a wonderful thing and needs to be challenged, inspired and exercised. We as parents need at almost childbirth to talk/explain/read/sing/enrich all language experiences for and with our children. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of "reading bonding." That cuddling, laughing, sharing, turning pages together experience that will give your child the message that reading is fun and an important part of his/her life. Make reading a natural happening...24/7 and always put a positive spin on it. Language is God-given only to the human species. It is important. Treat it with gratefulness and respect. You are building your grandchildren's and great-grandchildren's reading heritage today. Be the best at it.

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