Thursday, February 24, 2011

Books are the best gifts

I always have a stash of books on hand to give out as gifts to kids (and parents). Books are the best gift to give at any time, on any occasion and "just because." It is funny how kids will start to connect you (their favourite aunt, mother, grandma) with the books you choose and give to them. I know everyone is excited about the ipad, the sony reader, the kindle etc. but nothing...NOTHING beats a good old fashioned paper-made book. You can read the books over and over. You can carry them around. They are no fragile and do not need batteries, electricity to enjoy. I personally feel that paper books will go on forever and will never, ever be replaced by technology. The look, feel, smell and the very experience of a book cannot be erased or destroyed. Go ahead. Stack up. Give and give those book treasures away and smile as you are doing it. Read on.

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