Thursday, November 10, 2011

Love this book to bits.....

The Bear in War by Harry Endrulat and Stephanie Innes
Illtrustor" Brian Deines (gorgeous illustrations that enhance the rich text)

This book is told in Teddy's voice. Who is Teddy you ask? He is a little bear that was sent to the front lines of battle in World War 1 by a ten year old little girl to comfort her father. The little girl lived in East Farnham, Quebec and her father was Lieutenant Lawrence Browning Rogers.Teddy tells of his loving family and the hardships they are experiencing on the farm back home. The book includes WW1 memorabilia , the Lieutenant's medals, family photos and even his death certificate. In that grim 1916 war Teddy returned home alone....his friend died in the battle of Passchendaele. Somehow Teddy found his way back from France and into the Lieutenant's home.
Today Teddy lives in a special glass case at the Canadian War Museum. In 2002 Lawrence's granddaughter Roberta Rogers Innes found Teddy and other family treasures tucked inside a large family briefcase. She sifted through the precious family memories and decided to donate everything to the war museum. It is one of the most popular exhibits housed at the museum. This book has been nominated for Vancouver Children's Literature Round Table Information Book Award.
Informative, intimate and historical. The perfect book to share with your child on this Remembrance Day.
Read on.

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