Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pufferfish Adventures: Mike Saves The Day - a bookwrap

I'd like you to meet Mike.  He's a Pufferfish who thinks he's just plain weird.  He looks different from his friends Sam Squid and Casey Crab and thinks that they are very cool and he is not.  Poor Mike... can he learn to accept his uniqueness and celebrate who he is?  


Pufferfish Adventures
"Mike Save The Day"

Authored by JT Hobbs
Illustrated by Michael Terry

The Book's Mission

Start reading "Mike Saves The Day" to your child today so that they can: 

*increase their self-confidence
*learn to turn adversities into strengths
*uncover new ways to make friends
*build self-esteem
*increase their self-acceptance
*recognize their strengths
*appreciate their uniqueness

"Mike Saves The Day" shows our children how to turn weird-ness into hero-ness!  

Unwrapping Some Wonderful Illustrations for You to Enjoy

My Take

Everyone can use an infusion of self-esteem and self-confidence.  Who doesn't like to be accepted by others and feel great about their uniqueness.  This Pufferfish Adventure introduces you to Mike the Pufferfish who thinks he doesn't fit in unlike his best friends Sam Squid and Casey Crab.  They are so cool and have lots of friends but Sam feels like a misfit. When he sucks in water he blows up like a balloon and he has spikes all over his body not scales like the other fish do.  This embarrasses him and he feels ugly. He talks to his friends about his feelings but they don't seem to mind him being different.  They explain to him that they too are weird and no one really cares.  

And then something happens that changes Mike's view of himself forever.  His friends are playing hide and seek in Secret Cave and Mike is "It." After he finishes counting he swims off to find his friends and the search and find game becomes a search and rescue one.  Mike discovers that his besties are in grave danger and it's up to him to save the day. Can Mike pull himself together and use his weirdness to become a superhero?  Mike's weirdness turns out to be his superpower and he doesn't hesitate to use it to save his friends.  

Now not only do his friends celebrate his friendship and heroism but Mike is able to celebrate exactly what he is created to be... a brave, cool, popular Pufferfish that is highly accepted and belongs in his underwater community!   

Storywraps Rating - 5 +++ HUGS!!!!!

The Author

I am an author, writer, and a father of three.  I'm still in my childhood: hence, children's books! A child's innocence, wonderment and overall lack of filter aways makes me smile and gives me the impetus to bring them a little joy through words.  What's better than seeing a toddler wobble about or hear a child laugh? 

My books are intended to give kids just another thing to smile about.  

Visit for a complete listing of may books and what other adventures are around the corner.  

The Illustrator

  Michael was born in 1947 in Folkestone on the Kent coast. After living abroad and moving around the country he arrived back in Folkestone, there he later went to Art College from 1964 to 1967 studying graphic design and illustration. In 1967 he moved to London and worked in various design groups and advertising agencies as a designer and typographer. In 1972 he went freelance as an illustrator producing work for advertising, editorial and publishing and quickly gained a reputation in these fields. 

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Read on...
Read always.
It's a wrap! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Marilyn! I am the author and wanted to thank you for your complete review of my latest release! I'm glad you liked it and I hope it inspires kids to feel good about themselves...

J.T. Hobbs