Monday, March 21, 2022

"Ellery's Magic Bicycle" - a bookwrap



Ellery's Magic Bicycle

Authored by Maria Monte
Illustrated by Zoe Saunders


* Ages:  4-7 years

* Grade Level:  K-3

* Hardcover:  38 pages

* Publisher:  Books Go Social

* Pub. Date:  May 2, 2022

* ISBN: 9780987513076

Language: English

Editorial Reviews 

" A fantasy grounded in real life with a gentle message about loyal friendship." –– Kirkus Reviews
"An uplifting picture book in which a girl forms a magical friendship that lasts throughout the years." –– Foreward Reviews
"A sweet tale about honoring the best of your past that young readers should enjoy." –– Blue Ink Reviews

Unwrapping Some Illustrations 

The Book

I adore books with a happy-ever-after ending!  One day Ellery stumbles upon an old purple bicycle and decides to take it home. She never thinks for a moment that the worn out old bike has now found its forever home.  

It turns out that the decrepit two-wheeler has magical powers and can restore itself to its original beauty and functionality.  It heals itself from the dust, rust, cobwebs and dints and renews itself with new invigorating life. It's ready to take Ellery on exciting new adventures.  Ellery is overjoyed and knows she is in the possession of something very, very special.  The duo become inseparable and each covet the time that they spend together. 

As Ellery grows, magically so does her bike.  A new boy named Charlie moves in next door and Ellery's bike is instrumental in bringing the two into a long lasting friendship.  

 As time goes on Charlie and his family move away and Ellery's bicycle becomes neglected.  She stores it away in her shed and it collects dust, cobwebs and rust once again as a result.  

Oh my!  That's not the end of the story is it? I did tell you that the book has a happy ending didn't I?  Please rest assured that indeed it does but you will have to read the book to find out how Ellery's purple  bike regains its owner's attention and renews their friendship once again. 

This charming story will be one that kids will return to often to read, share and enjoy.  The illustrations are gorgeous.  They include lots of  detail, a lovely soft colour pallet and lots of emotion and heart.  I highly recommend this book. 

Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS! 


Meet the Author

Maria Monte writes beautifully sweet, heart-warming, and fun stories that teach little ones great values, such as kindness and love. Her spare time is divided between family, caring for her young son, and writing children's books. A native of Melbourne, Australia, Maria enjoys mochas, watching comedies on Netflix (when her son naps!), and losing herself in wiki rabbit holes.

About the Illustrator

Zoe Saunders lives in Cheshire, UK, with her son, daughter and husband. She has always had a love of artistry, and likes to sketch, paint and create sweet characters in her whimsical style. She is particularly fascinated by animals, both real and magical, and adores painting natural scenery and foliage. Zoe creates her artwork using either a traditional pen and watercolour, or digitally with her iPad Pro.

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Read on...Read Always! 

It's a wrap! 


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